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Three day Signwriting Refresher

Signwriting is a skill that takes practice in order to master it, and we know that sometimes life gets in the way of your best laid plans to practice your skills.

If you are a ‘graduate’ of Joby’s five-day traditional signwriting course, this is a chance to revisit and refresh your skills across three days, with Joby on hand to ask questions as you paint or draw letters.

This is the trial launch of the signwriting refresher and is a great opportunity to experience this at the current price which gives three days for the price of two.

Upcoming Courses

All about the new three day Signwriting Refresher

You are invited to Joby’s new, spacious signwriting workshop in Somerset for a three day signwriting refresher. This is not a set course with a curriculum to follow. Instead, these three days are a chance to bring projects you are working on or to ask questions about aspects of signwriting that you are stuck on. Joby will be there to answer questions, provide guidance and do live demonstrations. This is only available to students who have already completed Joby’s in person five-day signwriting course, whether that’s in the last few months or in the last 10 years.

  • The first two days (Thursday and Friday) are with Joby in the workshop from 9-5pm. The final day (Saturday) is included for free in the price.
  • On the Saturday, Joby will be opening the workshop for the public to come and visit and he will host a Signwriting Saturday event. This is a chance for you to continue signwriting with the other students and you may be joined by other signwriting colleagues that Joby invites. These events attract lots of likeminded people as well as those considering learning to signwrite for themselves and are an important part of keeping these traditional skills alive.
  • Joby’s new workshop has capacity for you to bring larger items (up to 4ft by 2ft) with you to signwrite. We may even have space for larger items such as a vehicle, but please check with us to confirm this by emailing us here.
  • While you are in the workshop you can use Joby’s range of paint for any practice work you may be doing and pre-prepared practice boards are available for use, but you will need to purchase one if you would like to take one home. You can borrow a palette, mahl stick and dippers and you can use the secondhand brushes that we have in the workshop. If you are bringing in a larger piece to signwrite then we ask that you provide your own paint for this or purchase stock from Joby while you are there.
  • If you’d like your own new brushes, then you can buy a brush individually or as a set from Joby when you arrive.
  • Tea and coffee making facilities are available but as there are many lunch options available within walking distance of the new workshop (including McDonalds, Sainsburys and Lidl) we have decided not to include lunch as this will also help keep costs down.

The home of traditional signwriting: Joby’s new workshop in Somerset

Joby’s new workshop is a large. modern building with plenty of space for signwriting projects of all shapes and sizes. You can see a video of it here.

Joby says:

“Last year I became a mentor for two signwriters wanting to advance their skills and business for a TV program called Make it at Market presented by Dominic Chinea and I really enjoyed taking two individuals that step further. I know from chatting to my previous students over the years that lots of them leave with good intentions but then family life or work gets in the way, and they don’t always get to where they thought they would. This is a chance for people to pick up where they left off, but in a brand-new workshop space which is so much bigger. I’ll be working on bigger projects and there is space for those attending to bring larger items too.

I’m not teaching you set topics each day: this is about individuals coming and picking my brains and getting what they want from the time they are here. If you just know you need to work on brush strokes, you can just do that for three days and get me to watch over your shoulder and advise. With other like-minded people in the room, you’ll find that you’ll pick up extra knowledge from the questions that other people ask and the demonstrations that I do while you are there.”


Who teaches this refresher?

These refresher days are hosted by Joby Carter, a leading expert in traditional signwriting. Joby has over 30 years experience in signwriting, fancy lettering and fairground art and is a highly skilled decorative artist.

Via virtual and workshop courses he has taught thousands of students how to signwrite.

His practical, real-life experience as a signwriter and his approachable explanations of professional tips will give you the confidence to learn and perfect your skills.

Who is this signwriting refresher for?

This is only available to students who have already completed Joby’s in person five-day signwriting course, whether that’s in the last few months or in the last 10 years.

If you have not previously attended Joby’s five-day traditional signwriting course in person, then this course is not for you.

This means that it is not suitable for any of the following groups:

Not for beginners

Not for self-taught people

Not for people who have done Joby’s online courses

Not for people who have only previously attended other signwriting courses

Where is the refresher held?

The refresher takes place in Jobys brand new workshop in Street, Somerset. You’ll be able to see examples of Joby’s signwriting as well as any current signwriting projects Joby is working on.

Unit 18 Rockhaven Business Centre, Gravenchon Way, Street, BA16 0HW

There is limited private parking linked to the workshop, and we prioritise disabled parking. Please get in touch if this is you.

There is free parking in the neighbouring areas but please park sensibly and courteously.

Where is the nearest airport or train station?

25 miles from Bristol Airport

28 miles from Bristol Temple Meads Train station

13 miles from Castle Cary Train station

5min walk from Bus Stop at Sainsburys Street

What is included in the price?

The first two days (Thursday and Friday) are with Joby in the workshop from 9-5pm. The final day (Saturday) is included for free in the price.

While you are in the workshop you can use Joby’s range of paint for any practice work you may be doing and pre-prepared practice boards are available for use, but you will need to purchase one if you would like to take one home. You can borrow a palette, mahl stick and dippers and you can use the secondhand brushes that we have in the workshop. 

If you are bringing in a larger piece to signwrite then we ask that you provide your own paint for this or purchase stock from Joby while you are there.

If you’d like your own new brushes, then you can buy a brush individually or as a set from Joby when you arrive.

Tea and coffee making facilities are available but as there are many lunch options available within walking distance of the new workshop (including McDonalds, Sainsburys and Lidl) we have decided not to include lunch as this will also help keep costs down.

How many places are there on the refresher?

There are 15 places on each refresher. We keep the groups small to enable opportunities for one to one support from Joby when you need it.

What happens when I book my place?

When you place your order you will be emailed an e-ticket, which is your booking confirmation. If you are planning to bring an item to signwrite which is larger than 4 foot by 2 foot, please contact us via email here

Where can I stay while I am on the refresher?

We recommend that you try to find places local to Street so your commute to the workshop is a short and easy one. There are plenty of options available for hotels and Air BnB’s in and around Street.

Local options include:
Premier Inn Glastonbury approximately 7 minutes drive

Middlewick Holiday Cottages approximately 15 minutes drive

Wookey Hole Hotel and lodges approximately 25 minutes drive

You can read about many local options on the Visit Somerset website here.
Joby’s workshop location is Unit 18 Rockhaven Business Centre, Gravenchon Way, Street BA16 0HW

What equipment do I need to bring with me?

We can provide spare brushes, mahls, dippers, palettes and boards and Jobys signwriting supply shop will be open for any supplies that you wish to purchase to keep and take home with you. If you are bringing in a larger piece to signwrite then we ask that you provide your own paint for this or purchase stock from Joby while you are there. 

Please remember to wear clothes that are comfortable, and you don’t mind getting messy, please wear sturdy closed toe footwear, no flip flops or sandals.

We provide access to tea and coffee making facilities,, but you might like to bring a mug or travel mug and your own spoon. If you want to bring any additional snacks you are welcome to do so. You will also need lunch as this is not included.

What are the refresher timings?

The refresher will start at 9am each day and run until 5pm.


Joby sharing signwriting skills in his new workshop in Street, Somerset
Hand painted lettering saying 'come back'
Joby at work in the new workshop with students behind him

Apply for funding for your course

Signwriting, gilding, fairground art and coach painting are heritage skills and some organisations offer funding to those interested in learning these traditional skills.

We encourage you to research funding opportunities with QEST, Heritage Crafts and the Crafts Council.